What Is a Secured Credit Card and How Does It Work?

Credit cards have become an essential part of the modern financial system, allowing consumers to make purchases and access credit for various expenses. However, not everyone can qualify for a traditional credit card due to their credit history or other financial circumstances. That’s where secured credit cards come in. In this article, we’ll explore what secured credit cards are, how they work, and their benefits. What is a secured credit card? A secured credit card is a type of credit card that requires the cardholder to provide collateral in the form of a security deposit. The security deposit serves as a guarantee for the credit card company that the cardholder will repay any debts owed on the card. The amount of the security deposit typically ranges from Rs.2,000 to Rs.3,000, and the credit limit of the card is usually equal to or slightly less than the amount of the security deposit. Secured credit cards are designed for consumers who have a limited or damaged credit hi...