Surprising Credit Cards Facts You Should Know About

It may not be enjoyable to receive your credit report each month, but the subject of credit cards is quite fascinating. Behind the tiny plastic cards that we all use there is a long and storied history and there is a great deal about their primary method of payment that the majority of people simply don’t know. Here are some unexpected credit card facts that may make you reevaluate how you use your wallet. Your account remains open even though your card expires An expiration has two functions. An existing credit card could only withstand 3 to 4 years’ worth of dipping and swiping. The issuer of your card can send you a replacement card before the current one expires by using the expiration date. Second, since the expiration is yet another piece of information you would only know if you had the card in your possession, it provides cardholders with a minimum of identity theft protection. Before your current card expires, the majority of credit card issuers send you a new one. Your card ...